The sweet girl I will refer to as Nicole was so worried about the situation, she made herself sick. Luckily, she could tell me what she remembered around her doctor's office or I would have been calling all over the city trying to figure it out. She knew there were giant gold hands right across the street and anyone from Tulsa knows about the praying hands of Oral Roberts University. You can't miss them!
The child's aunt and co-guardian took her to the doctor to get her checked out and get her medicine refilled. As she hands me bottle after bottle of medicine, I started to ask myself why in the world would a 53-pound child need so much medicine? I needed to find out for myself.
I called to make her an appointment and realized their current system needs some work! In fact, it needs a lot of work. After being transferred to several different people simply to make an appointment I decided to drive up to the doctor's office and talk to somebody that knows what they are are doing.
Within minutes, I had an appointment scheduled along with a piece of paper with her insurance number, social security number, birth date, name and address. Keep in mind, I have never been in this doctors office let alone shown them any type of identification! I brought the letter of guardianship for them to copy, but nobody in the records department was there to accept it so they didn't even look at it or put it in her file.
The doctor's visit didn't go any better! It appears Nicole rarely sees the same doctor twice and this one was a piece of work. She wouldn't let me finish a sentence before suggesting we get a new therapist, attend the school around the corner and come back to see her often because this would be an interesting case to study. Yup...a resident that was more concerned with advancing her career than helping a child cope with major life changes. Then, she asked Nicole in a high pitch baby voice if she could pee pee in a cup. Nicole looked at me with an are-you-kidding-me eye roll and told Dr. Dumb "I think so" in her most sarcastic tone. Priceless.
Nicole has some pretty significant speech impediments so I asked for a referral to a speech therapist to explore the options for correcting it. Dr. Dumb said we would get a call for that soon. I won't hold my breathe that my definition of "soon" matches hers.
It disgusts me that there is not a competent doctor dispensing her medicine. Finding a new doctor is now my first priority tomorrow morning.
Bye bye Dr. Dumb.
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